Our collection in class is all blue. Blue is a basic color that is found everywhere. It says many things about us all. Who we are, what we like and what we as a society has become. Our collection says many things about the time we live in. It says that we are a society consumed with name brand things. The collection has everything from name brand cleaners, perfumes and foods. The time we live in is obsessed with name brand, factory made items. In our collection, there is maybe one handmade thing-a pillow. This pillow looks similar to the ones the eighth grade students make here at HTHS. It seems as though it was something lying around a students bedroom, forgotten for the longest time. The time we live in is materialistic. That, is what our society says about the time we live in. Our collection says many things about our interests. It shows the prefered brand of perfume or cleaner of somebody, it shows the atheletes in the class with the achievement ribbons and balls. The collection in the class room shows things from our inner child with the stuffed animals and the trouble we as students get into daily with the office notes. The collection in our classroom shows many things about our beliefs as well. It shows that we believe in fun, cleanliness (in both personal and material hygenie) and that we believe in the world as we know it. We believe in the world as we know it just by bringing in the items on out table. The name brands, the toys, the household items. Our group collection does reflect few of my personal tastes, interests and beliefs. Yes, because I am 15 so I have been raised to enjoy these things. Not only enjoy them, but believe in them as well. I am a part of society and have been brought up to fit in to society and to like everything that everyone else does. That is what our collection means to me. The picture included are my favorite angles of the collection as well as things that relate to what I wrote about moments ago. http://www.google.com/search?q=portia+munson&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=b16FUp3tB_HK4APGqIHwAg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAA&biw=320&bih=533#biv=i%7C4%3Bd%7CRhBmEGKteRk6tM%3A
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