The difference between collecting and hoarding is simple; collecting things are usually neat, organized and don't take up your entire life. Hoarding is when your entire home is filled with items upon items none of which have no sentimental value to you. Usually the things in a collection comes with memories and there is a reason behind why you collect something. Hoarding there is no reason as to why you have it, you just can't seem to throw it away. Collections are usually kept organised and in good condition. However hoarders don't keep good care of their items. They are thrown everywhere, not organised and sometimes you can't even walk around, there are so many items. For example look at the pictures of these records. One pile of records is neat and organised and in moderation. The other pile is un-organised and takes up the entire room. Collecting is a hoarding on a smaller and neater scale. That is the difference between the two.
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